Many students experience developmental delays that affect their ability to use stairs with confidence. This lagging skills affects children who are identified as gifted, as having sensory processing difficulties, an Autism diagnosis, the list goes on! Home educators, school PTs & OTs, and private therapy offices can benefit from these excellent tools!
Jonti-Craft® Steps and Rocking Boat : Two units in one. Turn it over and the rocking boat becomes a sturdy set of stairs. Students will love the opportunity to rock in the “boat” after working hard on their OT and PT goals!
Jonti-Craft® Coordination Rail & Mirror: Perfect for littles and all early learners! Just install the coordination bar according to the child’s height and needs.
Students who have IEP goals related to gross motor development and coordination are excellent candidates for these tools! Montessori wall mirrors are also a great way to encourage movement and interactive play. The coordination mirror becomes a ballet barre or an excellent way for your SLP to practice silly facial expressions and role play social skills.